Friday, October 20, 2017

Children Health Insurance Program in danger

In the editorial article, Congress, End the Health Care Chaos. You Have 9 Million Kids to Protect.” The authors calls Congress to action around the Affordable Care Act reform. Apparently a bill is going through Congress that will supposedly reform a lot of damage the Trump administration has done and help with insurance costs while keeping many of the people, especially children, insured. The author is boldly holding the legislative branch accountable to making a decision quickly. Though there is a hint of disbelief whether anything will change. Especially regarding the Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) which covers around 9 million children. The editors express anger that federal funding will run out and there will be no insurance coverage. I appreciated this article because it provided information, insight, and spoke out about injustices between both Republican and Democratic opinions and how that affects everyone involved. It especially illustrated the lies and mistakes that the Trump administration operate under and how blind the American public can be, the information I believe is valuable because many people might not know that these kind of budget cuts are occurring right underneath their noses.  

The best part about the bill is that it is a bipartisan bill which means it has benefits for both parties. The author does a good job illustrating both ideas, the Republic benefits would deal with more state flexibility and allowing more high deductible plans. Contrasted by giving more money to insurers to be able to offer more people lower deductibles and co-payments. I agree with the plan this bill proposes and the authors lay out the information for the reader to know what it entails though I would say the tone of the article sways more to the left and is biased towards supporting the passing of this bill.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Assault on Birth Control

The New York Times editorial piece on Trump's "assault on birth control" was an informative piece. I appreciated the information the author provided from both viewpoints of the argument. I believe the article was filled with passion and seemed to be informative. The author used many references to different times that birth control helped women not get pregnant. I also enjoyed the applause that the Obama administration received. The part I found most interesting was the focus on Hobby Lobby. This case brought by the company, Hobby Lobby, was on a religious basis to deny birth control. I think the author focused a little too much on this but it was relevant information and specific to the overall case made for birth control. I also thought the tie in to Trump's attack on the Affordable Care Act as a whole was brought in at the end making a poignant statement of attack towards the whole system. Overall the article was good, informative, and well thought out. The article brought many statistics and talked about how birth control has been helpful to the system thus far. I think this is an important issue to focus on and needs to be addressed more often.  

Tax Reform