Friday, December 15, 2017

Tax Reform

In Rachel’s detailed commentary about the tax reform bill she illustrates the relevance that this bill has towards the state of the nation currently, especially the middle class. Rachel says based on the article that regardless of the Democratic senator’s votes the bill will still pass. She states the facts and even uses a relevant television commercial to parallel the outcome of the votes. While I originally disagreed with the tax reform bill the basic numbers she presents are something to consider. If small businesses benefit and it makes it easier on families with kids, referring to the child tax credit, is it possible that this is the better decision. I appreciate this perspective because her article poses a question for me, asking if this tax reform bill is worth it. Honestly, I would enjoy paying less taxes. I think I would have to experience both sides before deciding on what is necessarily better for the economy. For now, I am still hesitant when she says the corporate tax will be lowered, are they not making enough money already? It appears to me the bill appeals to most and reels you in with the middle class and small business incentives then whispers, oh also, 20 percent tax for “us” we corporations need more money anyway. It is curious why the Democrats are fighting it so much. For now, I stay undecided.  

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Tax Reform